William Nathans
William Nathans (b. 1981) is a classically trained painter working in the USA and abroad. He began his formal artistic career in New York completing a BFA degree at the School of Visual Arts, NYC and continued for an additional three years in Toronto, Canada at the Academy of Realist Art. Nathans works mainly in oil and dry media, basing his work on studying the subtle range of tones and hues found under atmospheric north light. His work attempts to document the people of his time questioning how the present and the past have shaped them. Notably, Nathans received a commission to paint the official portrait of Cardinal John Foley, Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre which hangs in Vatican City paving his noteworthy achievements in portraiture. Since his relocation from the USA to Ireland in 2013 Nathans has exhibited nationally, including RHA Annual Exhibition (2018). Notably, Nathans’s most recent commission is the official portrait of the first woman Chief Justice of Ireland, Justice Susan Denham, which hangs in the Honorable Society of King’s Inns.